The Hunter’s Mage Read online

Page 6

  “Boy, you are trying my patience today. Either spit it out or get up and leave.”

  “The Death Hunters have been granted the right to move away from the council. They have purchased their own land. And get this, they were given permission to take mates,” Carter said in a rush.

  Oliver studied the wolf closely. He couldn’t let the pack see how much that information meant to him. This might be the opportunity he had been waiting for.

  Oliver motioned for Carter to sit. Every time he heard the Death Hunters’ name, it made him see red. He knew there would come a day when he could seek his revenge on Lennox Bartley and the rest of the Death Hunters.

  “Where did you hear this?” Oliver asked.

  “I still have contacts back home and I confirmed it by asking my mom. They have already left the area,” Carter said.

  “Where did they go?” Oliver could feel his heart pounding as the wolf continued. This was it; the moment he had been waiting for. He knew it.

  “Who gives a shit what those assholes are doing,” his newest member, Travis Pelt, said spiting on the floor. Travis was different from the others in his pack and the one he knew the least about. He didn’t seem desperate. Oh, he said he was kicked out of his pack years ago and got tired of traveling around. Oliver decided to give him a chance and so far, he seemed okay, but the wolf didn’t know his history, and he didn’t like his tone.

  Leaning in closer, Oliver let his wolf come forward. His wolf jumped inside him wanting to teach Travis to have more respect for him and the pain he endured because of Lennox Bartley. Not now, he told his wolf. Not now. Just wait, this was the opportunity.

  Grabbing his shirt, Oliver got into the guard’s face, his voice lowered. “Because, you fool, this is the moment I’ve been waiting for. When that bear finds his mate, I’m going to take her from him. I want him to feel every blow to his chest when I kill her. He needs to feel that unforgivable pain just like I did.”

  Travis looked around at the other pack members, but they all knew the story. He had hand-picked each and every one of them. And it sure as hell wasn’t because of their morals. They had all lost someone. They had family members who were killed because of the Death Hunters. Everyone except Travis, but he needed members.

  “How…how are you going to do that?” Travis asked.

  Releasing his shirt, Oliver smiled and said, “By waiting for that perfect moment. The one Lennox Bartley will never see coming.”

  “You know who the Death Hunters are, right? What they can do? They are protected by the council,” the guard said.

  Oliver got up from his seat before he killed Travis. This wasn’t the location to do anything. He took his place at the end of the bar. He liked this bar, and if he killed another member, he wouldn’t have enough. Ever since his mate was killed, he only wanted to kill. But he couldn’t; he had to wait.

  A man sitting at the end of the bar pulled his hoodie over his head and walked out. He couldn’t get a good look at his face, but he knew he wasn’t a shifter. He was something else. Didn’t matter. He couldn’t hear their conversation from that distance.

  Danny leaned in. “I’m only going to tell this story once, so you better listen carefully before the alpha decides to tear your throat out.” Oliver could hear his beta even though he was whispering. “Five years ago, the alpha had a mate. Let’s just say she had a tendency to hunt.”

  “Nothing wrong with that,” the guard said, smiling. “Hell, we all like to hunt.”

  “Unfortunately, Shelby like to hunt humans when she shifted.”


  “Exactly, the alpha tried to help her, but she couldn’t stop. She already got the taste of human blood in her and she couldn’t control it. It became a problem, and somebody called in the Death Hunters. Oliver tried to talk to them. He even begged them to spare her life. He wanted to take her far away where she couldn’t hunt any humans. The alpha of the Death Hunters wouldn’t listen. He pulled out his sword and cut her head off. Right there in front of Oliver. I thought we lost Oliver, but somehow, he pulled through. I think it was revenge that let him live.” Danny glanced at him. “I think he’s stayed alive this long so he can get his justice. That’s why this information is so important to him. So, you better watch what you say or face the consequences.”

  “Look, man, when I joined this pack, I wasn’t looking for a death sentence. I didn’t sign up for this.”

  Before he knew what hit him, Oliver reached over the table and yanked the guard from his seat, his wolf was too close now. “You pledged your allegiance to the pack. Do you remember that?” The rage inside him bubbled up.

  “If you go after a Death Hunter’s mate,” the guard shook his head, “you’re going to give us all a death sentence, Alpha.”

  His voice became a growl. Each of his fingers sprouted upward into claws. His wolf wanted to end him now. “You’re either with us or you’re not. Which one are you?”

  He could feel the guard shaking. His wolf was so close that all he needed was one wrong word, and it didn’t matter who was watching, he would rip his throat out. His wolf continued to push against his skin wanting out.

  “I’m with you, man. I’m with you,” the guard said, shaking.

  Releasing his shirt, Oliver smoothed Travis’s shirt down the front and backed away before he let his wolf have his way.

  “Good, good, now you go with Carter and find out where the Death Hunters have relocated.” Oliver watched as the guard nodded, backing away from him. He was smart to not show him his back.

  He walked back to the table watching as Travis and Carter rushed out of the bar.

  “You think he’s trouble?” Danny asked.

  “I want him watched closely. See if ole Travis is really loyal to the pack.” Danny glanced at two other pack members who nodded and walked out.

  Oliver sat at the table, turning his bottle up until his beer was gone. Slamming the bottle on the table, he smiled at his beta. “This is it. I can feel it. I’ve been waiting for this moment for five years. Nobody is going to take this away from me. Nobody.”

  Jade moved her head to the left and felt the pain shooting up her back. She had never been this sore before. Rubbing the side of her neck, she felt how tense her muscles were. She didn’t even know a shifter could feel like this. Plus, she sucked at everything he threw at her. The beta was right when he said that she would have to play catch up and learn a lot in a short amount of time.

  Cosmo made her do the drills over and over again. It didn’t matter if she wasn’t any good. He even had her shift and her wolf had drills too. She didn’t know if she would be able to complete his training. He said this was the type of training they did every day to keep in shape.

  When he made her hit the dummy and shift into her wolf, then run, she thought she would pass out. He complained over and over that she was too slow or you hit like a girl. Finally, she hit the dummy so hard pieces of hay flew into the air and the head detached from the body. She was actually proud of herself, but no, Cosmo complained that she hesitated and didn’t see him behind her.

  He actually whined about her being so slow that he pulled out a fruity drink and laid on the floor with his head propped up. He even brought a straw and put in it.

  She sat on the stool behind one of her counters, moving too quickly that she almost screamed out as a sharp pain shot up her neck.

  Maybe Cosmo was right about her. She wasn’t a fighter. She wasn’t even a lover, like the cliché went. “What’s wrong?” Quinn asked, studying her.

  “Nothing.” Jade swallowed hard, trying to focus on the new beads in front of her.

  “You act like you’re in pain or something.”

  “Of course not. There is a lot of stock coming in today and I need to figure out how I’m going to set this up.” Jade opened one of her boxes.

  Narrowing her eyes, Quinn watched her, asking, “You sure everything is okay?”

  “What’s wrong?” Simone asked, walking by with s
omething in her hand.

  “Nothing’s wrong. Why are y’all hovering over me like I’m about to break. I’m fine. I’ve got a lot to do today. That’s all.” Jade watched as Quinn and Simone looked at each other. “Look, I’m fine, just hungry. What’s in that container you’re hiding behind your back because it smells delicious?” Jade changed the subject as fast as she could.

  Simone backed away from Jade. “Not this one. Come to the bakery. I’ve got fresh donuts. The glazed ones just like you like, Jade. But this is promised to someone else.”

  She could tell Quinn and Simone were up to something when they looked at each other again. “Will you both stop doing that. I promise nothing is wrong. I can tell y’all are secretly talking to each other. What, some type of secret language that only the two of you know, hmm?”

  Simone and Quinn both busted out laughing. “Of course not. Now, who is acting a little paranoid?”

  “Then stop hovering and giving those looks to each other like you know something I don’t.” Jade announced.

  “Blow me away, woman. Just come get some food and it will make me feel a lot better,” Simone said, moving to the side so Jade could pass. “Come on. These boxes can wait.”

  Jade sighed, knowing Quinn and Simone weren’t going to let up if she didn’t eat something. Right now, she didn’t have it in her to argue. She was starving. She had been worked hard today. Every muscle in her body hurt. The food would help her repair and the soreness would go away. Maybe this would give her the energy to unload every box today. She had to make sure she had stock put up and ready for the weekend. Cosmo demanded that she arrive earlier tomorrow. He said she would need remedial training until he felt she wouldn’t hesitate before she reacted.

  “You look tired,” Simone said, bringing a plate of donuts to their table.

  “I didn’t sleep much last night,” Jade admitted. No need to lie about that because Simone was good at finding stuff out.

  “I’m sorry, Jade.”

  “For what?”

  “I know you weren’t expecting something like this to happen. And I know your brother didn’t make it any easier, but you do know how much he loves you, right?”

  Jade smiled, pressing her palm against her sister-in-law’s cheek. “Yes, I know how much he loves me and only wants the best for me, but he can’t control my life. I…need to figure this all out. It’s just…”

  “What…Jade, please tell me. I won’t tell anything you say to me.”

  “I’m scared of him, and what if I start believing we are mates, but Lennox realizes what a terrible blunder he made choosing me? He needs someone who can help run his pack.” Jade swiped the tear away that slipped out of her eye. “I’m not strong like that, Simone. It would kill me if he admitted that. Plus, I’m a wolf and I’ve never had to fight anyone. I’m not experienced to what he’s probably used to. I don’t want to be a disappointment for him like I’ve been for…”

  “Oh sweetheart, listen to me.” Simone grabbed her hands, kissing the top of them. “You are not a disappointment to anyone.”

  Jade reached up and touched the scar on her face. It was something she did when she felt low inside. “My brother gave up a lot by taking care of me. He didn’t date much because he had to take care of me, Simone. The sister who couldn’t stand to look at herself in the mirror. So, he brushed my hair for me so I wouldn’t have to look at myself. I could barely take care of myself, but Bane was always there. And now he’s still watching over me. He knows I’m no match for Lennox Bartley. He knows I can’t be an alpha’s mate. Why am I the only one who can see that? You heard him. He won’t allow it.”

  “That’s not true. Your brother thinks you are the smartest person he has ever met, and he knows how strong you are, Jade. He tells me that all the time. And you let me handle your brother. I feel this energy around you. It’s like the strength hidden inside waiting to get out. We see Jade Cross for what she is and, sister, we see the alpha waiting to bust out.”

  Jade sat there staring at Simone. Boy, was she wrong. She wanted to laugh because that was the craziest thing anyone had ever said to her, except Lennox thinking she was his mate. Simone hadn’t been a wolf long, so she didn’t know what a true alpha was. She snorted. “You are so crazy. I almost think you believe that.”

  She waited for Simone to laugh, too, but she didn’t. Instead they turned when the front door opened as Ben Crenshaw, Alpha of the Crenshaw Pack, walked in. The man’s presence made you turn around and watch him. He was a dominant predator, but he was waiting for his mate to tell him when she was ready. He was pulling out his laptop like he did every day that his mate, Monica Hubbard, was at work.

  “Ben.” Simone yelled out, motioning for him.

  It took the big bear a few seconds to get up, but he did and came over. “What’s up?”

  “Got a question for you. When you look at Jade, what do you see? As an alpha, what do you really see?”

  Jade flinched, her eyebrows arched high, and she couldn’t believe Simone did this. “She’s just joking, Alpha. Really, you can go back and sit down. Sorry we disturbed you.” Ben stood staring at her then walked back to his table. “What are you doing, Simone? Look, don’t make the man lie. This is a joke, right? I get it.”

  Jade got up to head back to the store when Simone said, “If you want the truth then ask him yourself. Look at him, Jade, Ben Crenshaw isn’t going to lie and you know that, but—”

  “What, Simone?” Jade sighed, turning around.

  “If you are too afraid to know the truth, then yeah, don’t ask him. Keep living in denial.” Simone got up and walked off leaving her.

  Jade shook her head. What was wrong with everyone? Why all of a sudden was she front and center? Simone was trying to cheer her up and get her to do something she wasn’t able to do. That’s all this was, a pep talk. She glanced at Ben before she walked into Southern Treasures. The alpha was frowning at her.

  She quickly waved and went back to work. She had to get something accomplished today.

  “Where have you been?” Lennox demanded as Cosmo stopped the truck in front of him.

  “Doing my job by checking out the property and other things around town. I do this all the time. What’s up with the questions?”

  “Cosmo, you’ve been gone for four hours. What the hell takes that long?” Lennox said, nailing the last log into place.

  Getting out of the truck, Cosmo stuck his hand out. “Well, I got my nails done and I just couldn’t take it anymore, so I got my hair cut too. Oh, and I bought me some new pants to go with the T-shirt I had. It was so much fun.”

  Lennox stared at his best friend. “I believe that. I bet you did, just so you wouldn’t have to get dirty.”

  “You’re right, my Alpha. You know I hate getting dirty.” Cosmo picked up another log and carried to the other side where Reed was cutting a notch into the wood. Lennox took a good look at his beta. Something was off, but Cosmo was a different type of shifter. He really didn’t care what you thought about him. He had been like that since they were kids. He owned four flower shops, for god’s sake. What dominate alpha male did that? Cosmo Fitzgerald, that’s who.

  He over looked his quirkiness because Cosmo was the best at his job. When it was time to get serious, Cosmo handled business. But there were times when his weird ways came out, it drove him crazy. Maybe, he was wound up because he was worried Jade wouldn’t like the log cabin he built for her.

  “Did you change your clothes?”

  “Yes, I got hair all over my shirt,” Cosmo said, turning so he could see his new T-shirt.

  “You know you’re just going to get dirty again?”

  “Yes, but this time I won’t have tiny little hairs making my back itch. What’s the big deal? Why are you giving me the third degree?”

  “Because I need to run some errands and you had the truck.”

  “Well, why didn’t you say so. Here are the keys.” Cosmo chucked the keys into the air.

  “I need your
help to load the equipment I ordered, so here you drive.” Lennox threw them back and walked around to the passenger door and got in.

  He didn’t have to tell another member of his pack to help Reed. They all knew what to do. His team was a well-oiled machine. Every one of his members had a special talent, but they all knew construction. Each had some type of experience. It was something that came back naturally. That’s why the cabin was coming together so quickly. Plus, he hired some of the Dixon pack to help. They would be there after their current job finished.

  “I would like to stop by the bakery to get some deserts,” Lennox muttered.

  “You mean you want to stop and check on Jade? I already did that for you. She’s working today and already at the store, unloading boxes when I left,” Cosmo said nonchalantly.

  Lennox couldn’t stop staring at his best friend. “What are you not telling me? Because I know you and you’re up to something.”

  Cosmo sighed, shaking his head. “Lennox, I can already see the jealousy coming out of you. Man, she’s going to be my alpha too. I wouldn’t be doing my job if I didn’t check on her when you can’t. Man, get a grip on this. I’m your best friend and your beta. I would never do anything to that girl. She’s your mate so stop with the third degree today.”

  Lennox nodded and stared out the window. “I’m sorry. I know you wouldn’t. It’s just…”

  “The mating pull? I hope it’s affecting her too, but I think it may hit you the hardest. Right now, she’s just trying to figure out where she fits in this equation. I don’t think Jade Cross is the regular kind of shifter. It may take some time for her to feel the pull,” Cosmo said.

  He leaned his head back and closed his eyes. He hadn’t been sleeping well. Jade was always popping up in his dreams. She was running from someone and it immediately woke him. These dreams were a gift and usually came to be. He could see the future. He hated and loved the talent. Now, he had something to lose. Her protection was important to him and he couldn’t chance that to Arden Dixon’s pack.