Beta’s Delight: Dixon Pack Book 2 Read online

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  Simone could tell that Quinn wanted to say more, but she dropped it just like Simone had asked her too. For some reason, that didn’t make her feel better. She wanted to know why Bane the human didn’t like her, but his wolf did. This was all so strange and she had too much to do, instead she was wasting time wondering why the damn man didn’t like her.

  “What are you going to give away tomorrow?” Quinn asked, bringing her back from the debate she was having with herself.

  “Cinnamon buns, cupcakes, chocolate trouble, and some taffy.”

  “Yum, chocolate trouble, I like the sound of that. Count on the whole pack being here tomorrow to try out the sweets. I know we’ll be busy; Jade is launching a new bracelet tomorrow. We’ve been advertising it for a month now. How about I buy some sweets off of you and offer them to everyone when they come in to Southern Treasures. Then I can direct them to your store.” Quinn answered with a smile.

  “Speaking of that, what are you selling in your store that has everyone coming to this small town? Because all I see is your place and the furniture store, but the traffic you’re getting is unreal. It can’t be just the bracelet.”

  “It’s the products we sell in the store, and Jade Cross.”

  “Jade Cross?” Simone narrowed her eyes.

  “Jade is Bane’s sister; she makes jewelry and purses. After I moved here, I met Jade. She’s so sweet and incredibly talented. I started selling some of her jewelry and pocket books at my online store, and they sold like crazy. Basically, it took off like wild fire. Every time we offer something new, people come from all over Atlanta to buy it. We’re doing just as much business selling my home goods and aromatherapy candles too. I sell a lot of organic products, and people just love them. Now with you coming into town, we’ll gain more exposure and hopefully bring in more business. I have no doubt that you’ll be a big hit too.”

  “Wow, I never knew, but I’m sure glad I came. I hope I can help you guys out.” Simone said with a smile. She had to come up with some great treats so people would want to come back for her sweets, or they would pass by her bakery all together. She needed them to want to come inside and get their entire sugar fix.

  “Then we need to get this stuff ready. Oh, by the way, I have an idea about your help. I have two college students in the pack that are home for fall break, and they need a job. They both work in a coffee shop at the University. Until we can get you someone permanent, how about trying them out?” Quinn asked.

  “You think they would do it? Right now, I can only pay them minimum wage until I get up and running, then we can talk about a raise. But if they say okay, then yes, I would love to have them.” Simone couldn’t help but get excited. Everything seemed to be coming together, for once in her life. Maybe Mr. Olsen was right, maybe moving to New Hope was a new beginning.

  * * *

  Terry Dunn sat on his bunk, thinking about the day he could get his hands wrapped around that bitch’s neck. She had done it this time, and now his bail had been denied. Didn’t matter, his brother was working on it. He would call in some favors for him.

  He got excited, rubbing his hands together, thinking about how he was going to torture that girl when he got out. Yes, Simone would regret the day she told the police what had happened. That made him smile, but the happiness didn’t last when his bunk mate walked in and gave him that look. He knew what those looks meant. Yes, Terry was smaller than him, but this wasn’t his first rodeo. He would need to show this guy first hand.

  “Hey Dunn, meet your new room mate. We all thought, since you like beating up women, you would just love Old Hank here. He likes to beat up on people too, especially those that are smaller than him.” The guard snickered, then closed the cell door and walked off. Terry could hear the guy whistling as he got further away.

  Yep, it was time to show Old Hank he wasn’t someone to push around. Before Old Hank could take a step, Terry grabbed the sharpened pencil off his bed and leapt at him.

  Chapter Eight

  All Bane could think about was seeing her again and putting that beautiful smile back on her face. Why he couldn’t stop thinking of her was just surreal, but here he was, holding the screwdriver for Finn as he connected the display together. Oh yeah, and staring off into space. Thinking about the human with green eyes, damn this was so wrong on so many levels.

  “Hey, hey!” Finn snapped his fingers in front of Bane’s face.

  Bane blinked his eyes. “What…did you say something?”

  “You were drooling and staring off in space, like the pathetic wolf you’ve become since you met Simone. Shame, shame on you my Beta.” Finn jumped out of the way before Bane slammed the screwdriver in his hand. “Testy, testy my friend.”

  “Okay, that’s enough.” Bane said. “I’m not anything to her. I just don’t like it when people are mad at me.” The smirk on his face let Finn know he was just joking, or at least he hoped.

  “So, you won’t mind if I ask Simone out?” Finn asked, screwing in the handle to the back of the door. Bane had to catch himself before he smashed in Finn’s face. He knew the wolf was joking, but what if he did like her and he never got his chance before it was too late? No, no, no, no, he thought. But he had no reason to deny Finn. She wasn’t anything to him, just a human under the protection of his pack. Simone could date who ever she wanted.

  But Bane couldn’t stand the thought of it.

  “Sure, but why would you want to date a human?”

  The both glanced over at the door when they heard the noise. The day was only made worse by the sight of Quinn and Simone, standing in the doorway, listening to every word. He could have just rammed his head into the side of the wall; that would have been so much better than the look he just got from her.

  “And here I was getting excited thinking you were gone, but no, you’re still here with all your words of wisdom.” Simone just shook her head, turned back around, and headed back into her store, leaving Bane to bang his head on the side of the display.

  “Can this day get any worse?” Bane looked up to the heavens. “No….Just joking. I take that back.”

  For some reason, Bane liked how feisty this woman was. She may be a human, but she was a real smart ass, and he liked that about her. He couldn’t help but smile as Simone walked to the front. Bane could tell she was still hurting on her side where the broke ribs were, but she continued to work. He admired and respected her that much more for being a hard worker. But he couldn’t catch a break with this woman.

  Closing the door and blocking his view of Simone walking away, Bane’s eyes focused on Quinn; she didn’t look happy. “What are you, some type of idiot or something? I sit here and listen to the dumbest stuff fall out of your mouth and I’m asking myself, ‘are you just really this stupid around anyone besides your pack, or did you find your mate and you just can’t help it?’”

  “Mate?” Bane shivered at the thought. “Hell woman, shut your mouth. Just because my Alpha found his doesn’t mean we all have too. No, she just makes me say stupid stuff.”

  “’She makes you say stupid stuff.’ Hmm, I’d say that you’re doing a fine job all on your on.” Quinn answered. “Let’s not get into the blame game now, Bane. Let’s figure out how you’re going to rectify this. If this woman is as good as Robert Olsen says, then it will bring more customers to our small town and to our pack. Maybe if you can’t think of anything good to say, you shouldn’t say anything at all. Just a thought.”

  Quinn opened the door and walked back up front. Bane knew when his Alpha’s mate had chastised him. Yes, he was being an ass, but the woman just did things to him he couldn’t comprehend. The best thing for him to do was place guard’s for Simone’s safety, and head back to the pack. Bane needed to get his shit together; he couldn’t seem to say anything right. Maybe if he got away from her for a while, it would help.

  “I’ll send Tate and Rick back to protect Simone. I think we all need a breather from one another.”

  Bane didn’t give Finn time
to respond, he just walked out the back door. He needed to get back to the people that needed him and stop messing around with Simone. Even as he drove off, he hated the fact that he was leaving her, but he just couldn’t stop saying stupid stuff around her. He felt stupid when the words continued to pop out of his mouth. Why was she affecting him so much? Mate? Apparently, his Alpha’s mate wanted everyone paired off.

  Tate and Rick walked into his office and sat down.

  “What now, who died?” Tate asked, unconcerned.

  “Who needs to be rescued?” Rick asked, propping his face up with his hand.

  Bane could see how bored his team was, and he needed to rectify that, or when they did have a problem, his team would simply miss it. “For starters, you can act like the men I hired, or I’ll start the fire training up again.”

  That got Tate and Rick’s attention. The two men perked up, sat straight at attention, and cleared their throats. Bane loved fire training, only because he was the one who got to hold the nozzle of the hose and spray whatever he wanted on the fire. But he had so much fun spraying all of his team. Oh, he would apologize for it later, but he loved it. Then Arden came out and got sprayed, and that put an end to the fire training. So much fun to be had, but there was always someone who ruined it.

  “So, what’s up boss?” Tate asked.

  “I need a protection detail on Simone Alexander. She’s opening up the new bakery next door to Southern Treasures. Apparently, she had a problem with her ex-boyfriend in New York.”

  “Whose the ex?” Tate asked.

  “Terry Dunn, a nasty human who likes to beat up on women, but I need you to keep these details to yourself and report only to me. Do you both understand that?” Bane didn’t know why, but her safety was his main concern. The possibility of her boyfriend finding her here in New Hope was slim, but he needed to be sure.

  “Yes, sir.” They muttered, leaning forward, intrigued about the story behind the woman.

  “Simone was beaten severely by her boyfriend. He’s in jail, but he will get bailed out soon, and he’ll be looking for her. I’ve done some checking on Terry Dunn, and he likes to beat on his women. Apparently, she’s been taking abuse from him for a while, but never turned on him until this last time. This will never happen again to her, do we understand each other?” Bane could see the shocked look in their eyes, but he knew he didn’t have to elaborate. Tate and Rick would know what to do.

  “You got it boss.”

  The two guards got up and walked out of the office. They knew where to find the file he had made on Terry Dunn, along with his picture, and they knew where to find Simone. If that bastard stepped foot in New Hope, Bane would know about it. That’s why he loved his pack, they trained for the worst and were the best at handling it.

  Now he needed to go and handle some squabbles among some young females in the pack.

  Damn women were all trouble if you asked him.

  Chapter Nine

  Finn carried the display inside and set it down in the spot that Simone had requested. With only a few minor adjustments to get the angle just right, the man stepped back to admire his work and said, “Fantastic, if I do say so myself.”

  “Oh Finn, it looks wonderful. I can’t wait to start baking and put all the cakes and cupcakes in there. You get anything you want tomorrow.” Simone smiled. She returned to the cooking area and retrieved the flour, Finn following close behind.

  “Did Quinn go back to the store?” Finn asked, looking around. He knew she had left when her scent had faded.

  “Yep, Quinn said she’d be back later.” She turned around to give the man her undivided attention, “You know, I never knew people could be so kind. I mean, I’ve met some good people, but everyone here is so nice. Look at what you’ve done for me; I have to keep pinching myself. I’m just not used to it, except from the Olsen’s and their kids. They’re good people too.”

  “Maybe you were hanging out with the wrong people.” Finn suggested, wiping the smudges off the glass. “When I was bitten six months ago, I was angry as hell about it. But then the pack just took me in, and it changed me. I love my dad, but I love my pack too. I think you made a wise decision to come here.”

  “But I’m not part of the pack Finn. I’m happy for you, but I don’t think they’ll take me in like that. I’m only human.”

  “Doesn’t matter. There’s a few humans mated to wolves in the pack. But once they like you, they will protect you like you were one of them. Quinn likes you already, and Bane…”

  “Bane doesn’t like me at all, so it doesn’t matter.” Simone could hear the sorrow in her own voice, and it made her mad for showing it. Why she cared if the man liked her at all was beyond reason.

  “You see, that’s where you’re wrong.” Finn said.

  Simone snorted. “Come on Finn, you heard what Bane said. He said it himself that the wolf liked me, but the man didn’t. He even made that comment about dating a human.”

  “You remember when you were little, and there was always this one boy who would pull your pigtails or push you? You probably thought he was just a bully, but in reality, he liked you. Every time he got around you, he said the wrong thing or acted stupid. Well, that’s Bane. He’s the little bully from your childhood, and when you say stuff back to him with equally mean comments, well all that is…foreplay.” Finn smiled when he saw the wheels turning in her head as she finally caught on.

  “Yeah, right. I understand the analogy Finn, but clearly you think of your Beta as a kid, yet…” Simone turned around and faced Finn. “The more I think about it, you are absolutely right—Bane Cross is a child in a man’s body. Thank you for clearing that up for me.”

  Finn laughed out loud. He couldn’t help but like Simone Alexander. She was funny and could dish it out. She would do fine here among the wolves. He had her thinking about it now, and that’s exactly what he wanted. He’d been around enough women to know when they were upset because their feelings had been hurt, and this woman was upset about Bane.

  “So, tell me about yourself Finn,” Simone asked as she poured the sugar into a container, “and please don’t lie to impress me. I so need honest people in my life right now.”

  “Simone.” Finn waited for her to turn around, before he continued. “I don’t ever lie. I may not say something if it hurts a lady’s feeling’s, but I won’t ever lie to you. Now, should we begin with my childhood, or do you want to start from six months ago?” Finn smiled, winking at her when she turned back to her work. The best part of it was that Simone had that pretty smile back on her face. He liked it when people were happy, it made the world a better place.

  * * *

  Simone wanted to throw her phone across the room when the alarm went off. She had to get up at five in the morning if she was going to have some sweets ready for the crowds that were sure to come. She didn’t get finished stocking everything until two am, and she was dead on her feet, but she had to impress these people and make them her customers too.

  Easing out of bed, Simone made her way to the shower and turned on the water. “Please let today be a good day,” Simone muttered. “Please, I need this.”

  As she walked down the stairs to her apartment, Simone was stunned to see Bane standing there with a coffee cup in one hand and a white bag in the other. He didn’t say anything until she got to the bottom, “I knew you wouldn’t have time to get yourself anything to eat or wake you up, so I thought I would bring you some.”

  Surprised by his generosity, Simone reached out and took the bag and coffee. “Thank you…I…why are you here?” She thought he didn’t like her, so why was Bane Cross being so nice to her?

  “I know what today means for you, and I thought you may need some help. I’m here to help with whatever you need me to.” Bane suggested with a smile. She could tell he was nervous, wondering if she would turn him away, but she couldn’t turn down free help, especially today of all days. She had cookies, cupcakes, candy, and lots of other goodies to make.

/>   “Sure, but why would you want to spend your day helping me? I thought you didn’t like me.” Simone asked, confused.

  Bane stopped in his tracks, his eyes widening. “Why would you think that?”

  “Really? You said you didn’t yesterday. I think you stated that your wolf liked me, but the man did not.”

  “Look, I think we got off on the wrong foot. I was hoping that today we could start over. Maybe you could overlook some of the things I said. Besides, you need the help, and we always help each other around here.” Bane answered.

  “So, this is to help me, huh?” Simone asked. It didn’t matter to her. She had a plan, taped to her bathroom mirror so she wouldn’t forget what she was after. She had goals, and she was going to accomplish them. No man or wolf was going to get in her way anymore.

  “Yeah, I want to help you.” Bane said, standing by the door, waiting for her to open it up. “I know that Quinn told you that Josh and Monica were both home for break and looking for work. They’ll be here in an hour to help. They’re both great kids and catch on quick. In fact, they’re pretty fast at the register and quick with customers. I have a feeling it’s going to be booming around here today. If you’re going to give out free food, then we’ll need to have people who know what to do. They’ll be great until we can get you some permanent help.” When Simone narrowed her eyes at him, he added, “If that’s okay with you?”