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The Hunter’s Protector (Death Hunters Book 3) Page 4
The Hunter’s Protector (Death Hunters Book 3) Read online
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Oh no, she had to get to the river. If she hurt anyone, she wouldn’t be able to live. Greer took off running. She dropped the bag of taffy Simone had given her and ran as fast as she could to the river. She had to get to the hole Reed had dug for her. Her magic was going to come.
“Where you going?” she heard Haven yell.
“Be back” was all she got out of her mouth. She ran hard, passing the cabins. When she got near the river, she heard men talking, but she couldn’t stop. She flew past Reed and two other men. They had paused what they were doing and watched as she passed.
“Greer?” She couldn’t stop. It was coming. She could feel it. Just as she got to the hole, sparks spewed out of her hand, hitting a tree. Fear like she had never felt gripped her heart and lungs. She could have killed Reed or Haven. She fell to her knees as she got to the hole, throwing her hands outward, letting the magic loose. Her eyes were closed as the magic left her, striking out.
Popping sounds filtered up out of the hole, but nothing escaped. Not even a spark. She didn’t know how long it lasted before her eyes grew heavy. A strenuous flow of energy left her exhausted body as she kneeled before the hole. She tried to prop her hand out to hold herself up, but she had no strength left. Before she could fall face first in the hole, she was pulled backward. She gasped, trying to catch her breath.
“I’ve got you. It’s okay, baby. Just breathe, Greer.”
It was Reed. “Let me go. I could hurt you.” Her words sounded funny as her consciousness floated away.
The last words she heard were “Just rest. I’ve got you.”
He watched as Greer’s body fired spell after spell into the hole. He was thankful he dug it deep enough. She muttered words he hadn’t heard before. Almost like she was speaking a different language. Reed could tell that she was scared to death when she ran past him.
The woman of his dreams never knew he was behind her, watching. Her whole energy and focus were on the hole pushing every bit of magic in her into the pit. Scarlett was right, Greer needed this outlet.
It was as if the magic had a mind of its own. How could that be? He needed to talk to Scarlett more about this. She snuggled closer to him. His body went into overdrive today when she groaned tasting the taffy. It was more exotic than anything. Greer had no clue what she was doing. He was desperate to touch her, but she was so innocent and wouldn’t understand. Right now, he wanted to get to know her and make her feel safe around him. All he wanted was to keep holding her.
Reed stared down at her beautiful face. Her skin had a slight red tint where she had gotten some sun to her pale skin. She looked one hundred percent better than the day he first saw her a few months ago. The woman took his breath away. She had no clue that every male in New Hope was attracted to her. She had an angelic beauty about herself.
“Reed?” He turned to find Raven watching him. “Is she okay?”
“Yeah, she’s just exhausted. She was casting spell after spell into that hole...had to be about two hours straight.”
“I’ve never heard of a witch that could cast that long,” Raven said, sitting beside him.
“She’s different.”
“I thought Jade was sweet, but Greer seems to be too generous for her own good.”
“She’s selfless to her own needs. Never looks to gain anything for being your friend,” Reed answered.
Raven’s head tilted to the side. “You really like her?”
He smiled down at her. “Yeah, I guess I do.”
“Be careful, my friend. I don’t think she understands how the world is. She’s been on the run for a long time and never had any social skills. She doesn’t think like us. Take your time with her. I don’t want to see you get hurt.”
“I’ll take my chances.”
“Figured you would say that. If you need my help with her, just let me know. Scarlett says she needs to learn control. I can help her if she would let me.”
“Why wouldn’t she?”
Raven gazed at the woods. “I don’t know, maybe because I’m a bitch.”
“You’re not a bitch. You just need to let people get close to you, get to know you,” he said. “You know, the girls get together every week. They call it ‘girls’ night out.’ You should join them sometimes.”
“Huh, now I know you’ve lost your ever-loving mind. I...I’ve never. They don’t even like me. I doubt they would want me to come. Plus, Jade hates me.” Raven blew out a deep breath.
“You’re wrong. Jade likes you a lot. She talks about you all the time. You can go with me.” Reed and Raven both stared at Greer who was awake now.
“How are you feeling?” Reed asked.
“Tired but thankful you caught me before I fell into the hole.”
“You’re welcome.”
“I don’t know them either and maybe we could go together and get to know them,” Greer said, leaning up.
“I don’t know. I’ll think about it,” Raven said, getting up and walking away without another word. Greer narrowed her eyes as the female hunter left.
“She’s a good person. She’s just not outgoing. Don’t give up on her. Raven just needs some female friends.”
“How many does she have?” Greer asked, looking back at him.
Reed smiled sadly and said, “None, I’m afraid. She can be a little rough around the edges, but she’s good people. Just like you.”
“I’m afraid I’m like Raven. I don’t have many friends either. I think Haven and Jade are now my friends, but before, I had nobody.”
“You have me.” Reed bit his lip waiting for her answer.
“I would like that. I’m sorry you had to witness my episode. I never meant for you to see that or anyone.”
“That’s what friends are for.”
“Reed, you will need to be patient with me. I’m not good at this friend thing.”
“I’ll teach you anything you want to learn.”
“I will go ahead and say sorry to you because I will overreact again, like today. Just know I don’t mean it.” Greer leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek. “Thanks for taking care of me.”
His voice cracked as he said, “I’ll always be your protector.”
They stared at each other. He could hear her heart beating faster and faster. He leaned forward, but she pulled away. “I’m sure Haven is worried about me.”
Reed cleared his throat and nodded. He held her hand as he helped her up. Her hand was soft, just as he imagined. He hated to let her go, but she wasn’t ready.
They both walked in silence as they made their way back to Jade and Lennox’s cabin. When they got back, Cosmo and Haven were sitting on the swing. Both were covered with a checkered blanket, whispering to each other.
“Hey,” Haven said, waving.
“Hey. Would you like some hot chocolate?” Haven asked.
“I like anything chocolate,” Greer said. “I’ll come with you and change clothes.”
Jade walked out to the back porch as the girls went inside. “Reed, we are having hamburgers and hotdogs. Do you want to stay for dinner?”
“Sure. Do I need to get anything?”
“Nope, just you,” Jade said, going back inside.
Reed looked at his beta. He was too quiet which meant he wanted to say something.
Blowing out a deep breath, Reed asked, “What do you want to say?”
Cosmo looked up. “Just be careful with her. She’s different and, man, she’s so innocent. Almost like a child. Nothing like you ever experienced.” He got up and moved beside him. “Today, she had no clue why you ran out of the bakery. We had to explain it to her. I mean really explain it to her.”
Getting up, Reed leaned on the porch railing. He closed his eyes. “I don’t know what came over me. One minute, we were just having fun and letting her test the taffy, then she got to my favorite one and, man, she closed those beautiful eyes and moaned, and I lost it. I had to leave. I know she’s innocent. I know I should just leave her alone...but I can’t.
I tried but I’m drawn to her and she’s all I can think of.”
“Okay, I’ve heard enough,” Cosmo said, holding his hands up. “Look, just take it slow and be easy with her. She doesn’t understand our way of life.”
“Yeah, I know.”
Cosmo and Reed stopped talking when the girls returned with mugs of hot chocolate. “Here.” Greer handed a mug to him.
“Reed, I hope you’re good at cards. Tonight, we are playing. They will teach us the rules on the first couple of games, then we team up. I suck at it too, so don’t worry about it,” Haven said.
“I’ve always wanted to play cards,” Greer said. “Seen a lot of people playing while they camped. It looked like they were having fun.”
Reed swallowed hard. This woman broke his heart as she spoke about the campers. She had so much longing in her voice. She had shifted and sat in the woods watching campers. He could tell Haven and Cosmo were uncomfortable as Greer spoke about her traveling and watching people living and have fun. All the while she ran for her life and just watched as the world passed her by.
“We need to make popcorn then. Can’t play cards without popcorn,” Reed said. If it was the last thing he did, he would make every day special for her.
“Yes, that will be so much fun,” Haven added. “Oh, I almost forgot to show you the sketch of the treehouse. We worked hard on it during commercials.”
Everyone laughed. “Okay, let’s take a look at it then. I want Greer to get everything she wants.” Greer watched him as he passed, following Haven into the house. She needed to know he would make all her dreams come true.
Chapter Five
Haven pushed her sketchbook closer to Reed. She watched as he studied it, turning each page slowly. “Do you mind if I tear out a piece of paper to write on?”
“Here use this,” Lennox said, pulling out a notebook and pencil and gave them to Reed. She watched as he wrote notes, but she had no clue what the words and numbers meant.
When he glanced at her and noticed she was staring hard at the paper, he smiled and said, “I used to work in construction when I was young and the man I worked for showed me how to do this. It helps me remember certain items and measurements I will need.”
“Fascinating,” Greer said, still staring at the paper.
“Haven, you did a great job. Can I get a copy of this to use as I build? I want her to have exactly what you put down on this paper.”
“Sure, I can make a copy in Lennox’s office.” Haven took her sketchbook and left to make the copies.
“Let’s eat, everyone,” Jade said, carrying a platter full of hamburgers and hotdogs to the table.
Greer loved every moment. After they finished eating, they played cards and ate popcorn. It was the most fun she’d ever had. She laughed so much, her sides hurt. They included her in every aspect of this special night. They didn’t even know how much this meant to her.
After they played cards, she went outside to get some fresh air. She smiled as a wolf called out to his mate. Many times, she had heard that call go out from the wild when she was on the run. This was what she loved about the outdoors. This time, a shifter called out to his mate. The idea of living in a treehouse with sliding glass doors that allowed her to hear nature as she closed her eyes to sleep was a dream come true. Oh, it gave her the best feelings.
“A penny for your thoughts.” Reed held a penny out to her.
She took the penny from his hand and smiled. “I was listening to the wolves call to their mates. You don’t know how lucky you are to be a part of all this. To have a family and friends who you love. I’ve envied those that had a place to call their own.”
“You will too. I plan on starting tomorrow. Once I get the tabs in the trees, it should go pretty fast,” he said.
“I know what those are. The treehouse man explained it as he built one.” Greer glanced toward the woods. “I can’t wait, Reed. You don’t know how much this means to me.”
“I’ve got a good idea and I’m happy to help get it for you.” His eyes were the color of gold as he stared back at her. Quickly, he closed his eyes.
“I’m sorry,” Reed said as he turned to the woods.
She touched his shoulder when she heard the pain in his voice. “It’s okay.”
Before she knew what was happening, Reed pulled her to him and took her mouth. Pressing his lips to hers, he sucked her bottom lip into his mouth, and just like that, her body turned to mush. She was losing control as she grabbed his shirt, wringing it in her hand. Then he was gone.
“I...I didn’t mean to do that,” Reed said, backing away.
“It’s okay.” Greer touched her lips smiling. “I’ve never been kissed before.”
“Really? Then I’m really sorry.”
“Oh…Well I know you’re probably used to women who know what to do. Let’s just forget this happened,” Greer said, turning away.
“No.” Reed put his hand out to stop her from leaving. “What I mean is that wasn’t even my best kiss. For you, it should have been—”
“Perfect.” Reed marched up to her and pulled her into him again then slowly pushed his lips against hers. She closed her eyes and let him take control. This was her second kiss and she couldn’t believe how much she liked how soft his lips were as they glided over hers. She felt like a complete moron not knowing what to do. But what she did know was how much she enjoyed how it made her feel inside. For so long, she hadn’t felt a thing. Only surviving.
The moment was broken with the laughter from inside the house. She opened her eyes to see Reed staring at her lips. “You don’t know how beautiful you are.”
Clearing her throat, Greer looked away. “Are you guys ready for another round?” Haven interrupted from the door.
“Sure,” Greer said, taking this opportunity to move away. Her bear pushed her to kiss him again. What was going on with her?
Chapter Six
Greer watched as Reed put the last tab into the branch. There was a group of trees they were using close to the river. Everyone said this group was great for a treehouse. She was excited as men dropped off more wood.
“What do you think so far?” Reed asked, jumping down from the tree.
After clapping her hands together, Greer rubbed her hand up and down the biggest tree. “It’s going to be beautiful. Thank you, Mr. Tree, for allowing me to use you for my home.”
Reed laughed. “I think he heard you. Look how tall he stands.”
Putting her hand on his arm, Greer closed her eyes. “Thank you, Reed. This means the world to me.” She glanced down at her watch and saw the time. “Oh, crap. I’ve got to go to town with Haven. Do you need anything from me before I go?”
“No, ma’am. I should have something for you to look at once you return,” Reed said, stacking the wood next to the tree.
“Okay, see you in a bit.” Greer hated to leave, but Quinn wanted to show her something and they had all done so much for her already that she would do anything for these people. She couldn’t resist as she glanced back at Reed. His shirt clung tightly to his body showing her all of his beautiful chest and back. She could see every muscle as he moved the wood. The man was literally pretty. It sounded strange calling a hunter pretty, but he was.
“You ready?” Haven asked, startling Greer, making her trip over her own feet.
Haven caught her, laughing. “Something got your attention?”
“Just admiring the view.”
“And what a view, but don’t tell my mate I said that. Cosmo’s driving us to town. I need some sketchbooks. Quinn wants me to sketch out more dresses. She is sure that I can do a whole line for her store. I think she’s a little crazy, but I want to at least try. You know, just to say I gave it my all.”
Greer stopped her. “Haven, you can do this. The clothes you draw are spectacular. I can’t wait until you make the first one because I want to wear it. I know you can do it.”
“Everyone has so much faith in me a
nd I’ve never made the first one. It’s hard to get use to this.”
“I understand. This…” Greer waved her hand toward the cabins, “is a lot to take in. I’m not used to having a home or friends but look at us. I’m going to have a home in the trees, and you are going to marry your mate and start making clothes. You have a purpose, but I’m still looking for mine.”
“You will find it. I know you will. Like you said, I can do this. I can draw the clothes in my head and you...well, you will find your purpose, Greer. I have faith in you too.” Haven smiled but looked away quickly.
Greer smiled but wondered if Haven was just being nice. She prayed that she found something. All of this and she didn’t have a dime to her name. She needed some type of job, but what? She had no experience and she couldn’t...no she wasn’t going there. Nobody knew and maybe she could keep it that way for a while. They walked in silence the rest of the way to the truck. Cosmo leaned against it, smiling.
He was perfect for Haven. She liked to watch as his eyes lit up when he saw her friend. They were in love, but it was scary for her to dream of this one day. She woke this morning with welts all over her arms where she had scratched them in her sleep. The magic was restless inside her. She felt it even after unloading everything she had.
“Good morning, Greer,” Cosmo said, smiling.
“Good morning.”
“If you girls are ready, we can go see what Quinn has cooked up. Lord only knows with that woman.”
As they pulled away, she glanced back at Reed who was on the ground now watching her as they left. She had to stop thinking about this man. It was too dangerous for him. She shook her head, trying to clear the thoughts of how he kissed her last night. She would always remember it.
She wouldn’t start something with him that wasn’t possible. He was such a nice guy and, boy, could he kiss. Even though it was her first kiss, it was perfect. At least to her. She figured someone like Reed McDaniel had women falling all over him. He was gorgeous with his sweet smile, and the way his goatee was cut so close, she could barely see it today. It was perfect. He was so…he made her insides go crazy. This insane feeling made it hard to breathe as she continued to think about their kiss. Her body heated up just thinking about the man. Even her bear was mad at her because she didn’t kiss him again last night.