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Choices: Alpha City, Book 3 Page 4
Choices: Alpha City, Book 3 Read online
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“It’s hard to explain. I think once you see it, you’ll know why they call it the rock. Once we get there, we’ll have to get out and walk a few minutes to get to it.” Judd looked up at her. “Are you okay?” He picked up her hand. “You still look pale.”
“Sure,” she replied, but she could tell he didn’t believe her.
“Maggie, what’s wrong?”
Glancing around at everyone in the vehicle, Maggie whispered again, not wanting to scare anyone. “I need blood to get my strength back. I’m kind of getting shaky.”
“We should have gotten you some before we left. Here.” Judd held out his arm to her.
Flinching, Maggie backed away from him. “No. You’ll turn if I do that. No.” What was he thinking? “I’m fine. I can wait until this is over.” She looked away, hoping he’d drop the conversation, but no such luck.
“Maggie, you don’t look good.” She could hear the concern in his voice as he held her hand up to his mouth and placed a soft kiss on her palm. Snuggling up to him, she closed her eyes. His presence alone calmed her. Right now the hunger wasn’t so bad she would attack anyone, but her energy level was very low. She’d used a lot of energy and blood to heal her cousin. After Judith got back today, she’d planned to go and pick up some blood for her to drink after the meeting, but this happened and now that was put on hold.
She could hear the vehicle stop as her eyes fluttered open. “We’re here. Are you okay to walk a little bit?” Judd asked.
“Of course.” Maggie took Judd’s outstretched hand. He kept hold of it as they walked down a trail. Usually she could hear the birds chirping and small animals running around in the woods, but not this time; they were hiding, as if they knew predators were near. All she could hear was the sound of their boots crunching against the dry leaves as they walked toward the rock.
Finally the area became less dense as they came to the end of the trail. She stopped and just stared. It looked like something out of medieval times. It wasn’t just one rock, but several gigantic rocks positioned in a circle. Each rock was a different shape and size. As she walked closer she saw that each rock was in a different shape: assorted animals, an Elf, and a woman. How strange, she thought. She had never heard about this in all her reading about Alpha City. She’d need to ask Judd about it. There was a circle in the middle, and that was where they had Morris tied to the ground, his mouth covered with Duck tape. She could smell the salt that surrounded him. There were several members of the Alphas’ covens standing around him. They were all holding hands, except for Me-Len and Meryl.
She watched as Me-Len got the nod from Ryder to begin. As soon as Me-Len and Meryl joined hands with the coven members, they started chanting. She had never heard the words or the language they were speaking before. White smoke billowed above Morris as his body twisted and turned on the ground. The rocks vibrated like nothing she had ever seen or heard of. What in the hell was this place? She had been around witches before, but never had she felt this kind of power. The magic was pulsating from the rocks and going directly into Morris. The strong scent of ground cloves, rosemary, and coriander permeated the air. Judd pulled her to the edge of the circle around the rocks. The smoke began to coalesce as the chanting got louder and faster.
Maggie watched in fascination as a woman appeared in the smoke. Judd pointed, “That’s Claudia Blackwood.” They continued to watch as Claudia ran into the arms of a man—Jamal, the dragon. There was no doubt about his identity; power flowed off him as fire flickered around him. The tension could be felt among the group as they watched Jamal hold something out toward Claudia. The smirk on his face told the group that he held something important, but they couldn’t figure out what it was until she reached out for it—he’d given her a book. They could see the markings clearly as she grasped it, but Maggie didn’t recognize them. However, there was a look of pure joy on Claudia’s face when she realized what she was in possession of.
Me-Len and Meryl broke away from each other as both of them flew back and landed on the ground. Ryder and Brody raced forward to help them up.
“She has the book.” Me-Len’s voice was clipped with fear. Maggie had never seen the woman ruffled like this. Whatever was in that book scared her, as well as the other coven members.
“What does she have?” Ryder demanded.
“The Book of Thoth,” Me-Len answered. A look of defeat and fear crossed her face as she responded.
That couldn’t be right. Maggie shook her head and spoke up, “The Book of Thoth was destroyed a long time ago.”
“I’ve never heard of it,” Judd said, wrapping his arm around her shaking body. It was in the history lessons she’d been taught when she became a vampire.
“The Book of Thoth was supposed to have been destroyed a long time ago. It’s a legendary book containing powerful spells and knowledge, said to be written by the God Thoth,” Maggie answered. It had been part of the history lessons she was taught when she became a vampire.
“Then why are you so scared of it, Me-Len?” Judd asked.
“Because the markings on the book are the same as the ones in the legends. Somehow Jamal has found the book. If she uses the spells, she would be more powerful than even Jamal, and she knows it, though I’m sure she didn’t tell him that. The book will corrupt her soul to pure evil and drive her insane. It isn’t meant for humans to possess, not even powerful witches like her.”
“Then how do we get it and destroy it?” Brody asked. Although it sounded like a simple question, they all knew it wouldn’t be so easy to just waltz in and take that book. It was terrifying to think about how Jamal got his hands on it. The lessons she’d been taught said that witnesses had watched as the book was burned until nothing was left but ashes.
“Me-Len, during my transition, I was taught about vampire history and that the Book of Thoth was destroyed by the Vampire Council hundreds of years ago. They believe that, so how does she have it now?” Maggie asked, not understanding how it could have been destroyed but still end up in the hands of their enemies.
“I don’t know. It doesn’t make sense. How do you get a book back after it’s been destroyed?” Me-Len walked over to the stone wall and sat on top of it. She stared at Morris where he lay on the ground. His eyes were wide with rage as he stared back at her.
“Unleash his mouth,” Me-Len demanded. Morris screamed in pain as Brody yanked the tape off his mouth. She smiled, knowing that the tape had taken some skin off with it.
“Now you know. Claudia has the book,” Morris spit out. Maggie could see the madness grace the man’s face. He actually thought that this would turn out okay for him if Claudia were in charge.
“She’s warped your mind. You know that the book isn’t meant for a human, Morris. At least I hope you aren’t that stupid,” Me-Len answered dryly.
“Who said Claudia was going to be human?” Morris regretted his words as soon as he saw Me-Len smile.
“Not even a shifter can use that book. Only a god can. They all said you were the smartest one, Morris. Now I’m not so sure, if you really think that,” Me-Len taunted him. She needed him to continue to talk and tell them what they needed to know.
But Morris just arched an eyebrow and smiled.
“You can’t conjure up a god, Morris. It doesn’t work that way.”
“Just because you say that doesn’t make it so. She can conjure one up, and when he appears she can take his power and then his magic,” Morris declared with triumph in his voice.
“No, she can’t do that,” Me-Len said sharply.
“You thought she couldn’t bring the dragon Jamal back from the depths of Hell either, but as Thorn saw firsthand, he lives here on earth.” Morris smiled. “He was just the first. Jamal will take more, and there’s nothing you can do about it. Either give her what she wants, or die like Thorn did.”
Before the man could blink, Kayden had shifted into his panther form and ripped one of Morris’s arms off. His powerful jaws bit clean through skin, muscle
, and bone, jerking until nothing was left except Morris screaming in pain. Spitting the arm out, Kayden leaned into Morris’s face and growled, then shifted back and grabbed him around the neck. “You don’t even get to say his name.”
“Please help me, please!” Morris screamed, but not one person moved. He had betrayed his own kind, and now he was helping the witch and the dragon.
Maggie had to look away. Her body needed blood, and Morris’ blood was pouring out of the stump where his arm used to be. Her fangs descended as she forced herself to walk away from everyone.
She hadn’t suffered from bloodlust since she had first turned, but then she usually had a steady supply. Judd moved to her side as she sucked in deep breaths. “What’s wrong?”
“I need blood,” Maggie whispered. “And it’s everywhere.”
Her body started shaking as the fresh scent permeated the area. She didn’t have to see him to know that he was about to die if they didn’t stop the bleeding and get him some help.
“He’s dying,” Maggie told him.
“He deserved what he got,” Judd answered.
“Yes he did, but if you need more information out of him, he’s fading fast and you’ll never get the answers you need. I don’t know if you’ll have enough time to get him more blood before he bleeds out.” Maggie’s body ached as she inhaled the scent. Control. Control was what she needed, but it had been too long since she last had blood, and now…
“Shit.” Judd walked off and told the group what she’d said.
“Can you heal him, Maggie? We need more information out of him.” Me-Len rushed over.
“She needs blood. She can’t heal him without it,” Judd answered.
Maggie glanced up at Judd. “There is a way, but we’ll have to keep him chained up with silver for as long as he lives.”
“No, Maggie. No!” Judd barked. “It’s too dangerous.”
Her eyes widened. “It won’t hurt me, but he won’t enjoy the pain of the bite. Then comes the transition, and that will be painful too. But once he changes he will be strong—very strong, Judd. Stronger then you and the others, for a while. That’s why you’ll need the chains. Don’t feed him unless he gives you information. He’ll tell you everything he knows if that’s the only way he’ll get blood. He won’t be able to help it.”
“No, Maggie. He’s a piece of crap. He doesn’t deserve to live,” Judd argued.
Maggie reached up and touched his face. “We don’t have a choice, Judd. I can hear his heart slowing to the point that he’s about to take his last breath. We need that information. I won’t do it unless you say it’s okay. Tell me what to do.”
A look of shock covered Judd’s face. He never expected her to say that. Maggie looked over at Morris, whose heart was about to stop, and then back at Judd.
“Do it,” Judd said.
Maggie needed what blood Morris had left. In a blink of an eye, she was on the ground behind him. She picked his head up and sank her fangs into his neck like a snake.
“I think she’s too late,” Brody said as they watched her. Judd walked over and bent down behind her. He wrapped his hands around her, giving her strength as she sucked the last of Morris’s blood out of his body. She knew what was coming. The venom sprinted through his body, changing him as it went. Maggie let Morris go and leaned back against her mate.
Her stomach was in knots, knowing that once they killed him, she’d feel it. The pain would be unbearable, and she might even die. She couldn’t tell Judd that, though, or he wouldn’t have allowed her to do it. They needed Morris alive. He had valuable information, and this was the only way to get it.
Maggie’s voice was low and shaky. “Get the silver chains and wrap him in them. He will be strong once the change is complete. We need to get him into some kind of cell. He’ll want to feed, so nobody should get near the cage. When a vampire first changes, they’re at their strongest.”
Pennson and Jamie had already gotten the chains and started wrapping his body up. “Let’s move him now before he wakes up,” Ryder ordered. The two Betas hoisted him and started carrying him to the vehicles.
Judd stood and scooped Maggie into his arms. “Come on, baby. You need to rest now.” Maggie laid her head against his shoulder and closed her eyes as he carried her to the car. She needed to rest, or she wouldn’t be of any help to anyone. Her last thoughts were of the danger that was coming.
Judd stopped again in the middle of pacing the room to watch her. Shit, who was he kidding—he was eyeing her like a dog in heat. Her shirt rose up just a little bit, exposing a strip of pale skin. Everything about this woman tempted him. All he wanted to do was taste her and never let her go. Could he make this work? Would the fact that she was a vampire stop him? No, he told himself. No, she was his. The fates wouldn’t have paired them together if this was wrong. Maggie was a kind woman who just happened to be a vampire. He’d work through his feelings, and they would look back on these times as ones that almost kept them apart, but he wouldn’t allow that to happen.
Judd started pacing again. What if she discovered she didn’t want him anymore? He stopped and looked in the mirror, staring at himself. “What if she doesn’t want me?” he whispered.
“What if I do?” Judd looked up to find her awake and watching him. “I can feel what you’re thinking. I’ve wanted you ever since I first saw you, but when you ran away from me, I tried to put it out of my head. I don’t want to be hurt again.”
Judd stalked over to the bed. “I wanted you too, but I was…”
Putting her hand up to his face, Maggie stared into his eyes. “Scared. I understand that, but if we’re going do this, then let’s do it together.”
That was all he needed to hear. He lowered his lips to hers, and for the first time tasted what was to be his.
Her lips tasted like blackberries in the wild just after it rained. She was addicting. His tongue chased hers, then hit her fang, and both of them jerked away from each other. Her hand went to her mouth. “I’m sorry. They’ll come out when…” She wouldn’t look him in the face, and she backed away from him.
“If it nicked me, what would happen?”
Her face was stricken with sadness as she spoke. “It would turn you.”
He pulled away and sat back against the bed. “Has there ever been a shifter who was part vampire?”
“I’ve never seen or heard of one. Vampires don’t approve of mixing bloodlines. That’s the reason we can’t be together. I would never do that to you.” Maggie moved to the edge of the bed, shaking her head. “It won’t work, Judd, no matter how much we want it to. It just won’t work.” She pushed herself off the bed and left the room.
He sat there, going over and over what she’d said. She said there’d never been a shifter-vampire hybrid that she knew of, but that didn’t mean there couldn’t be one. He’d just never thought about the possibility of being turned. Why in the hell had he never considered that? If she bit him he’d turn into a vampire and the bloodlust would be unbearable, but they would never be truly bonded if she didn’t. He wouldn’t be able to be around his pride. What if he hurt one of them and turned into someone just like Roman Locke?
Slamming his hand against the bed, Judd got up and reached for his cell phone. Damn it; there had to be another way. He ran a hand through his hair as he dialed.
“Hello,” the voice on the other end answered.
“Me-Len, I need some information.”
“Sure, Judd. How’s Maggie?”
“She’s fine, but I need to know what would happen if she bit me during mating. Has there ever been a shifter who was part vampire?” he asked.
Me-Len was quiet for a moment. “I…really don’t know, Judd. I’ll have to do some research. To be honest, I don’t know a lot about vampires, but her Maker would most likely know the answer. He’s lived a long time, from what I hear.”
“Thank you; I might just ask him. Talk to you soon.” Judd hung up the phone. He couldn’t believe he was even thinkin
g about doing this, but Maggie was his mate and he couldn’t live without her. He had to find a way around this.
He walked into his living room and found Maggie looking out the window. “I need to go home. They made a big mess and I need to clean it up. Judith will want to return soon.”
“You can’t go back there. They know where you live.” Judd’s voice was tight, worried now that she was going to try and leave him. He walked over and took her by the hands. “Look at me, Maggie.”
He waited until she looked at him. “We’ll find a way to work this out. We’re in this together, remember?”
When her lips parted, Judd took her mouth again, then pulled away. “I won’t give up on us.” His tongue carefully played with hers, staying away from her fangs.
Pulling away, Maggie turned back toward the window. “I won’t do that to you. I would never turn you into something you hate. I almost hate myself.”
“I have a spare bedroom for you. I’m going to cook us some dinner. Just go and take a long, hot bath. Then we’ll talk more.”
“You’re not even listening to me!” Maggie barked.
“I’ve heard everything you’ve said, but like I said, we’re in this together and I promise you that it will work out.” Judd cupped her face in his hands. “Say it, Maggie. We’re in this together.”
Maggie pinned him with her eyes. “Together,” she whispered.
“Say it louder, like you mean it.”
“Together!” Maggie said louder.
Judd smiled and nodded. “Together.” He kissed her on the forehead and walked into the kitchen. He waited by the door, listening to see if she went into the bathroom, and when she finally did he started taking the food out of the refrigerator. He was grateful that she’d given him this, but she already sounded defeated. He would find a way. Even if he had to go into vampire territory himself and get the information he needed.
Chapter Five
Knox Russell stared at the message again. His commander, Lt. Jones, was requesting that the others continue with the mission without him; he wanted Knox back at base. Something was wrong. Nobody ever broke protocol. It was too risky. Ransom Spencer didn’t speak much as he handed the note to Knox. He was a jaguar shifter and assigned to Seal Team Two. He didn’t try to fill in the gaps, because he didn’t know anything. He was a solider, like Knox, and he took orders and followed them to a tee.