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The Hunter’s Mage Page 2

  But she had to agree with her brother, something was triggering them. But what? She loved her job. She loved, loved it. How many people could say that? She had more money than she would ever need, and the business continued to grow and make her more. This was the one thing in her life she was proud of. She did this. She came up with the ideas.

  Glancing down, Jade smiled as she eased the glass door of the jewelry cabinet back into place. She had her newest bracelet displayed on a stone she had found lying on the ground near the river. She loved all the different colors it had in it. The lights in the jewelry case made her bracelet sparkle. This was her newest jewelry line and she particularly loved this one. Of course, Jade loved all of them. She considered them her babies.

  When Quinn opened the store, and asked her to sell her products, she never in a million years thought her hobby would turn into a multi-million-dollar business. Her jewelry and purse line took off and she never looked back. Now, she was thinking of opening up five more stores around the country. This time, Quinn had asked her to partner with her and make Southern Treasures a chain.

  She even shocked herself, at how successful she had become. Her pack was even amazed that she had done so well. She employed pack members to help her mass reproduce and sell them online and in Southern Treasures. Customers came all the way from Atlanta and all over the United States to shop here in New Hope, Georgia. Who would have thunk it?

  Quinn was also becoming pretty famous. Clothing chains, boutiques, and other businesses wanted their latest products at Southern Treasures. They were getting so big that Arden talked to Quinn about expanding the store and bringing in more merchandise made by shifters. This was where she thrived. It didn’t hurt their business either with Simone’s bakery next door.

  But, today had been slow when she heard the bakery door open. The scent of pumpkin spice drifted in tickling her nose. The smell always made her hungry, but for some reason, it was playing havoc on her senses. All the wolves grumbled about the scents, saying they hated when Quinn got new candles in. It made their sense of smell go nuts.

  Leaning against the counter, she stared outside the front window. It was a beautiful day and she longed to let her wolf out to run when the hairs on the back of her neck became electrified. Her wolf stood on alert as she scanned the room for any trouble. In the back of Southern Treasures, Quinn had put a table so the husbands wouldn’t bother their wives as they shopped. This way they could play on their phones or read while their women spent their money. It was a win—win for everyone.

  She felt the electricity when their gazes locked. Attracted to a Death Hunter. If anyone knew, it would cause problems and make her look like a complete fool.

  Currently, the man of her dreams sat at the husbands’ table watching her. His green eyes glowed as they focused on her. What was he looking at? She didn’t think she was dressed funny. She was wearing her favorite jeans rolled up at the bottom and a sweater. What was so exciting about that?

  Goodness, the Death Hunter made her nervous. She knew that they were only there to help shifters, but Lennox Bartley always made her burn inside. Her body actually quivered as his gaze bore into her. It was as if he could see right through her. Of course, she was staring back, and now his eyes narrowed, glaring like she had done something illegal. Jade swallowed hard and looked away.

  This always happened; he would glare at her and she would fall apart, excuse herself, and scurry away like the chicken she was. She was tired of always running from things that scared her. Did she put off some type of pheromone that said This wolf can’t handle stress. She can’t handle the Death Hunter eagle-eyeing her.

  Maybe he thought she was a criminal. No, she had never committed a crime in her life. Reaching up, Jade ran her finger down the puckered skin. It was hot to the touch. Every time she’d seen this man, her face became a blazing inferno. Especially, the scars on her back. Her body became hot and throbbing as she thought about him.

  Questions flooded her thoughts. Why was Lennox Bartley in the store again? It wasn’t a place he shopped. Quinn sold a lot of men’s products, but she had never seen him buy anything when he came in. He just sat at the table and did his surveillance and it appeared she was his target.

  She couldn’t help but glance back at him. Her dreams always started off with him making her a pit of goo. She sighed, propping her head up with her hand. It was always the same fantasy. Unlike her nightmare, her fantasy would never come true.

  Nobody would ever understand her anyway. Other shifters would always wonder why she acted the way she did or expect her to be like the other female pack members.

  But she was different and she liked that about herself. She wanted to get married like the humans and have her mate’s last name, legally, of course.

  Growing up, she secluded herself to her bedroom reading romance novels where humans fell in love and got married. The ceremony was a fantasy of hers.

  She wanted to wait to have sex on her wedding night. Was that too much to ask?

  Jade answered her own question, yes. She knew nobody would want her and even if by a miracle that someone did, they wouldn’t understand her weird ways. Sometimes even she couldn’t believe herself. She was old fashioned and always had been.

  “I see your secret admirer is back,” Quinn whispered behind her making her jump.

  Moving her jewelry around, Jade tried to play it off. “Huh, who…what are you talking about?”

  “Oh, my sweet friend, don’t try to act coy, I see the way he looks at you.”

  “Quinn, you are such a romantic, but sadly you’re delusional too. Have you forgotten who he is and what he does. My pack, well, our pack, is still nervous when the Death Hunters come around. Look at your guards. They are locked in on him like he is a missile about to explode. Oh, and by the way, your mate goes crazy when they are in his territory. Have you forgotten that bit of information? Hmm…”

  “Look, Jade, he’s not the one who killed Arden’s mom and dad. He’s actually been pretty nice to the pack and Arden…and to show they are getting along, the Death Hunters and the Dixon pack are having dinner tonight at Get Your Grub. They reserved the back room.”

  “What’s the meeting about?” Jade whispered, moving closer.

  “I don’t know. Lennox just asked if Arden and Bane could meet with them for dinner tonight.”

  “Are you going?” Jade was eager to know what the Death Hunters wanted. Maybe it had something to do with him being in town so much and coming into the store. She couldn’t hide her curiosity.

  “Don’t you know it.” Quinn put her hand on her hip and gave her the alpha look. “If Arden thinks he’s going without me, he’s sadly mistaken. I’m alpha, too, and if it has to do with the pack, then he can say it in front of me. That’s just how it’s going to be.”

  Jade smiled; she loved how seriously Quinn took her job. But she also knew her alpha and if he thought there might be trouble, he would keep Quinn and Simone as far from the Death Hunters as he could.

  Jade leaned in and whispered, “You’re going to call me and let me know what happened, right?”

  “If Arden says I can, then you know I will.” Quinn stood quietly looking at her for a long moment.

  “What…why are you staring at me?” Jade asked, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand.

  “Just wondering why you’re acting so nosey all of a sudden? You’ve never wanted to know anything about pack business before.” Quinn glanced toward the table and motioned toward the alpha Death Hunter still watching her like a hawk. “Or maybe it has to do with your secret admirer.”

  Pushing her on the arm, Jade muttered, “Stop it, you’re just being silly. The Death Hunter is not interested in me and I’m not interested in him. He scares me, anyway.”

  “You have to admit, he’s handsome,” Quinn responded, taking another peek at Lennox Bartley, Alpha of the Death Hunters.

  “I haven’t really noticed.” Jade flicked her jewelry around in the glass case, again, tr
ying not to look at the man.

  “Noticed! Give me a break, Jade Cross, you can’t miss that man. He’s fifty feet tall and wild looking. Look how intensely he looks at you. Oh, you’ve noticed the man and he sure has noticed you. Just look at those eyes. Wild like the field flowers that grow next to the house. I bet he would eat you alive—”

  “Quinn!” Jade squealed.

  “Ma’am, can you help me?” a woman said, standing in front of her counter.

  “Of course,” Jade muttered, rushing away, stopping the conversation she didn’t want to have. Her face turned to fire with all the probing her alpha’s mate dished out. Quinn was wrong and that was reality. She had no interest in Lennox Bartley, Death Hunter alpha and that was that.

  Chapter Three

  After lunch Lennox had left the store, Jade cleaned her cabinet while watching her alphas whispering in the corner. Something was up and whatever it was, Quinn had won the battle. She smiled at the frowning alpha as he left the store.

  “You got plans for dinner?”

  Startled and grabbing her chest, Jade growled at Quinn. “Jeez, give a girl some warning next time. I thought you were over there talking to your mate.”

  “You’re a wolf, Jade. You should have heard me walk up. Any hoo, you got any plans for dinner?”

  “No, why?”

  “I’m inviting you to go with me and Arden at Get Your Grub to eat.”

  “Quinn, you really like saying, Get Your Grub, don’t you?”

  Snickering, her alpha put her hand against the counter. “It’s just funny. I love it, don’t get me wrong. It’s just when I hear the name. I…I just love saying, Hey, we’re going to Get Your Grub tonight.”

  “But after a year, you would think it wasn’t funny anymore.”

  “I’m sorry.” She held a finger up. “Give me just a second.” Quinn straightened, clearing her throat. Jade watched as Quinn tried to stop smiling, but her lips curved upward and that was all she could do to keep the giggles from coming again. Her whole body shook as she tried to stop laughing. Unfortunately, Quinn’s giggles were contagious.

  “Stop it.” Now she was laughing too. Jade put her hand over her mouth, trying to stop, but customers were now staring, even the staff were starting to laugh.

  “That’s why I love coming here. Everyone seems so happy,” an older lady said, smiling as she flipped through the clothes rack.

  “Thank you, ma’am. We try,” Quinn said, picking up the new candle collection she was selling. “Did you smell these. They are divine. Everyone who walks in your home will think you have been baking cookies all day.”

  “Is that what I’m smelling? I thought it was the bakery next door.”

  Quinn knew how to sell that was for sure. She escorted the lady to her new candle line while she took a break.

  Jade smiled as Quinn escorted the lady around the store. Quinn sure knew how to sell.

  Yawning, Jade needed some fresh air. Southern Treasures had been so busy earlier that she hadn’t had a chance to just breathe. Taking a break, she went outside to the store’s front porch to enjoy the sunny day. Sitting in the rocking chair was her favorite relaxation therapy. She loved this time of year, the changing of the leaves always gave her great ideas on her jewelry.

  She always sat in the same chair, tucked away in the corner in front of the store. Nobody looked at her; the chair was in the right spot to people watch. Plus, she hated the attention she got. People only felt pity for her. She could see it in their eyes as they noticed the scar.

  “You must like to people watch too.” Jade scrambled out of her chair, flinging her arm outward almost hitting him in the face. She had never met the man in person but knew who he was: Cosmo Fitzgerald, beta of the Death Hunters.

  “You sure are a little jumpy thing.”

  “I’m so sorry. You scared me and I…I didn’t see you when I sat down. I was scanning the crowd,” Jade said, trying to stop shaking. She felt like the biggest goober. Her face was melting as she stared upward at the Death Hunter. The man was gigantic as she continued to look up at him.

  His eyes were black as coal, matching his hair. The majority of the time, he had a smile on his face, but today he looked like he was inspecting her for something she did wrong. What is it with these men?

  “You’re a wolf so I thought for sure you could smell me back here,” Cosmo said, squinting at her.

  “That’s why I’m out here. With all the candle smells, it makes my senses go haywire,” Jade said, inhaling trying to pick up his scent, but she didn’t smell anything except dirt, asphalt, and people walking around. She leaned in closer to Cosmo, bringing her wolf forward to see if her smell was really out of whack, but she didn’t smell anything from him.

  “You trying to get a good whiff of me?” Cosmo asked, smiling.

  “I can’t smell anything. How can that be?” Jade added. What if something was wrong with her? She should be able to scent another shifter.

  Cosmo pulled over another rocking chair to hers and sat. He motioned for her to take a seat too. She didn’t want to seem rude, so did as he asked.

  “Death Hunters found a way to mask their scents, that way the rogues don’t know we’re coming. It’s a gift, but you should hone your skills better. Your wolf needs to be sharper. You never know what could be lurking behind you.”

  “I know you’re right. I guess I need to get in touch with my wolf more. That’s what everyone says, anyway.” Jade turned her head away from him. Why did she have to be so honest? He was a Death Hunter and she barely knew the man. She was too trusting and that was a fault of hers.

  “I can teach you.”

  Her head just about popped off her neck. Spinning around in her seat, she stared at the Death Hunter. Surely, she misheard what he said. Even her wolf jumped at the assumption of her spending time with a Death Hunter. She could learn how to sneak up on people without them knowing. The man knew how to mask his scent. That was unheard of. She could teach the guards. Oh jeez, who was she kidding?

  “Ding dong, tick tock, your time is about up. One, two, two and a half…”

  “Okay!” Jade spit out. Her own eyes were wide, and what on earth did she agree to do? He was a Death Hunter. A killer of killers. These were the people who killed Arden’s parents.

  “To be honest, I can’t believe you agreed. Not many from your pack like us. They walk away whenever we’re around. Well, actually they run. Why is that? You know what we do and why? You should be on your knees thanking us. Instead, you all act like we are the plague.”

  Jade felt rage roll through her. Her body became empowered as she got up and stood before him. She couldn’t stop herself. “Really? You think we should get on our knees and thank you. Are you crazy? Do you know what the leaders of the ones who came before you did to my pack? You killed the alpha who didn’t deserve to die. Instead, you killed him when you knew he was under a witch’s spell. Why? Because you hate my people. Deep down, you are nothing but natural born killers.”

  Cosmo snorted. “Is that what you think of us or is that what you were made to believe? That’s not the reason he was killed. That’s why we are here, little girl. You can never understand why we do this job. Life is easy for you. We deal in the real and now. It’s an ugly world out there, and there are quite a few shifters who would rather kill every human and start a war. I heard why he was killed, but if he was under a witch’s spell, then he was marked in the head and his wolf would have never stopped killing. That’s why he was killed.”

  “You don’t understand. The spell was broken and he was okay. He just needed some time to—”

  “To what, Jade? Realize that he had killed his mate? Even if he was under a witch’s spell, he would have never been right in the head once he knew he had killed his life mate.” Jade sat down hard in her seat. “I think you know that, but if it makes you feel better to blame someone, then I guess that’s us. That was a long time ago and it wasn’t Lennox or me.”

  Jade’s throat tighten
ed as she looked away. He was right. The alpha would have never been right after what he’d done. He could have never gone on without his mate. Knowing he couldn’t break the spell before he killed her would have been unbearable.

  “Do you know where Kenton Road is?” Cosmo asked, bringing her out of her thoughts.

  “Huh, yeah, of course.”

  “Meet me there tomorrow around eight in the morning. There is an old barn there. We can start your training, and nobody will have to know but us. I don’t think anyone needs to know that a Death Hunter is teaching you survival skills, right?”

  “Uh, okay.” Jade was still reeling from what Cosmo had just said. She needed to defend her alpha. He was such a good man. At least he needed a chance to prove himself. “You’re wrong—” Jade turned to tell Cosmo, but he was gone.

  Getting up, she looked around the porch. He was nowhere to be found. The man had vanished into thin air. She pushed her wolf forward and inhaled. Nothing, not one damn scent from the hunter. Tomorrow she would fight for her alpha. She owed him that. Even if it was just telling him off.

  Jade looked over at Get Your Grub as customers walked outside. Tonight, she would be there with her alphas and maybe she would know why the Death Hunters were still in New Hope. Why did they keep coming here? They didn’t live in Georgia. They lived in Virginia. Why did Cosmo want to train her? All these unanswered questions. It didn’t make sense. Turning, she walked back into the store. Tonight, she would get answers.

  Why was she changing clothes for the fifth time? These weren’t her clothes to begin with. They belonged to the store, but Quinn insisted she try on the dress. Her alpha gave her some stupid story that she bought the dress because she thought it would look great on her, and it did. But she had never worn a dress this short or tight. Turning in a circle, Jade smiled at her reflection. Quinn made her put boots on, and she had to agree, they made her look different. The dress and boots made her look pretty awesome.