Beta’s Delight: Dixon Pack Book 2 Read online

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  “I’m starving.” Simone huffed. She got up off the bed and walked out of the room. Bane jumped up and followed after her. He felt bad; he should have known that she would be hungry. During the change, Simone’s body used up thousands of calories. She needed to refuel. There were three things a wolf wanted to do after the change—eat, fight, and fuck. He was good with two of them, but she needed to learn how to fight before she went taking on anyone else.

  * * *

  “Mossy, go inside the diner and get us some food, and not just for you. Don’t talk to the locals either, we don’t want anyone to know we’re here in town. Once I get her, we can find a place where we can be with her in private.” Terry ordered. He continued to keep his eyes on the bakery, waiting for that opportunity that always seemed to come to him.

  “You got it.” Mossy pulled his ball cap low on his head and walked inside.

  “You going to let us all have a piece of her, right Terry?” Billy asked excited.

  “Don’t you know it? She’s going to remember this moment for a long time before I’m done. Nobody ever rats on Terry Dunn.”

  “Yeah!” Billy, RJ, and Johnny all echoed his remark. He knew they were just excited about getting a piece from the woman he used to call his girl. Not anymore. All Simone had to do was dance, but no, she had to go and scream for the cops and get him put back in jail. The bitch deserved what she was going to get. She needed to know that she could never hide from Terry Dunn. He chuckled when he thought about the look on her face when she saw that he had found her.

  Mossy came outside with bags of food and drinks for everyone in the van. They needed to fuel up, because once they took her, they would have to find some place quiet, and fast. He was eager to show her what it felt like in jail. What he had to do to survive.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Bane watched as Simone finished her fourth sandwich. She looked content as she rubbed her stomach. “I’ve never ate that much in my life. I couldn’t stop.”

  “You burned a lot of calories during the change. For the next couple of months, you’ll continue to eat a lot. Just remember, you’ll burn off what you’re eating. So don’t worry about getting fat, but it wouldn’t matter to me if you did. I would still want you.” Bane assured her. He wanted her now.

  Her eyes widened, then her nostrils flared as Simone took in his arousal. The pheromones between them were firing up. Her wolf knew now that her mate was in the room, and he wanted her. Her gazed raked over him, and before he knew what she was doing, she had swiped the table clean and jerked him across it.

  He was an Alpha, but she needed to do this. She needed to be in control, and when the time came he would show her that his job entailed being in charge. Right now, he was letting her play.

  “I want you, now.” Simone demanded.

  Pulling his pants and underwear off, Simone smiled when his cock popped out of his underwear. Her nails racked down his chest all the way down his legs. She was marking him, and didn’t even know it.

  His arm curled around her waist, jerking her around him and reversing their positions. She looked surprised. Then the snarling and fighting started. She was no match against him, but Simone still tried to flip him. He applied enough weight against her that she couldn’t move him. She had to take whatever he was going to do. Bane needed her to understand that she couldn’t fight him like this. They needed to do this together.

  Fisting her hair, Bane got down to her ear and whispered, “I’m your mate, Simone. Just love me.” He could feel the fight in her wane, but still she growled, putting on a show of force.

  “Do you want me?” Bane licked his lower lip, waiting for her to answer.


  That was all he needed to hear. Her legs wrapped around him as he thrust inside her filling her up.

  “You are mine, Simone Alexander.” He groaned as she tightened around him. “You want it hard?” Again she tightened around him. “Your wish is granted.” He watched as her eyes turned back to yellow as her wolf peered out at him. Wrapping his hand around her hair, he bit down in the same spot he had claimed earlier. He knew it would be sore, but it would be the best orgasm Simone had ever had.

  Without fail, her teeth elongated and bit down into his shoulder. Pistoning in and out of her, Bane thrust hard one last time. His finger brushed against her clit as they both screamed out each other’s name. As they sucked in air, the bond between them snapped into place. She gasped, lifting her head.

  “It’s the mating bond. It’s complete now. You will always be mine, and I will be yours.” Kissing her, Bane picked her up and carried her back to the bedroom.

  * * *

  “What the fuck is she doing? The old man left an hour ago. RJ, pull around to the back of the store. Let’s see what’s back there.”

  RJ pulled out of the parking space at the diner. They had been sitting in the van for hours, waiting to see if she would leave. The plan was to follow her to her home, then wait until she went to bed and take her. But Terry was getting impatient. He wanted that bitch now. He had waited long enough.

  RJ eased past the diner’s back entrance and continued down the road. “Stop right here.” Terry ordered. They sat and waited to see if anyone came out the back entrance.

  It was getting dark when Terry heard RJ spout, “I can’t fucking believe our luck.” Terry looked up, and there she was, all by herself walking down the stairs.

  “Keep the van running, I’m going to go in from behind and take her before she can get in the store. Billy, you’re with me. You got the stuff. Get it ready, now.” Terry watched as Simone smiled and took a deep breath. She was taking her time, and that’s exactly what he needed. Billy poured the liquid over the rags and handed one to him. “Let’s go, now.”

  Simone had made it down the stairs when a woman came out the back door, carrying a bag of garbage.

  “Hey, I was coming to check on you.” Simone said. Terry watched as the girls smiled at each other.

  “Fuck.” Terry hissed. “You get the other girl, I’ll get Simone.” Neither girl was paying attention as Terry ran up behind Simone and yanked her hair back, sliding the rag over her face. At first she started to struggle. but the chloroform did the trick as she slumped forward.

  Billy didn’t have the same luck. When he went to put the rag over the younger woman’s face, she elbowed him right in the throat. He staggered for a couple of seconds, then he punched her in the jaw, closing the rag over her mouth and nose. She struggled, but having no choice, she breathed in deeply.

  Picking her up, RJ ran to the van and got in. But before he could pull off, Simone woke up and started to struggle. Terry put the rag against her mouth and nose again. Mossy held one of her arms down, and she went back to sleep.

  “Did anyone see us?” Terry demanded of his brother.

  “No.” He pulled off, heading down the road.

  “Just keep driving. I have no clue where we are, but I want to find some place deep in the woods. Just keep looking for a dirt road. Nobody seen us, so I doubt anyone will go looking for them until tomorrow.” Terry smiled and high fived Billy and Mossy, as RJ drove further away.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Bane’s eyes opened, and he knew something was terribly wrong. He looked to his side and Simone was gone.

  “Simone!” He yelled out.

  Jumping off the bed, he ran into the living room and found a note on the table.

  ‘Gone to check on Monica. I’ll be back with some desserts so I can eat them off you.’

  Bane couldn’t even smile at the gesture, he knew something wasn’t right. He felt like she was in trouble, then the feeling was gone altogether. Jerking his pants and shirt on, he ran down the stairs to the bakery.

  Before he could open the back door, Ben ran outside. “Where is she?”

  “Is Simone in there?” They both looked at each other and knew. Shaking his head, Bane knew that something had happened to Simone and Monica.

  “Bane.” Arden
yelled at him as he and the enforcers ran toward him. “He’s here.” Arden spit out.

  “Who?” Ben asked.

  Bane didn’t ask—he knew. He knew the fucker would find some way to get to her. “Fuck, he has her. He has them both.”

  “Who has my mate?” The growl coming from the bear was menacing.

  “Simone’s ex. The son of a bitch is going to die.”

  “Katie said some guy came in the diner and ordered for about four people, then she noticed that they sat in the van for hours. At first, she just thought it was just husbands here waiting, but they never left the van. Then she noticed that one of the guys in the front seat kept looking through binoculars. She didn’t know what they were trying to see, but she called and told me about it. The plates on the white van are from New York. I’ve alerted the pack. They’re searching now.”

  “We have to find her!” Bane snapped, struggling for control. He wanted to kill, but he was a hunter and he needed to find her. They were mated now. He would tap into their bond. See if he could feel her. He closed his eyes, searching for any hint of her. He knew Simone was alive, but that was all he could sense from her.

  “Something is wrong, or I would be able to tap into her feelings. I know she’s alive, but I can’t feel anything else.”

  “That’s because she’s passed out.” Finn held up the rag. “Chloroform. It won’t keep her out long. He’s near. Eventually, her wolf will wake up and get used to it. They trained us on it in the military.” Finn added.

  “Get the car, Tate.” Arden ordered. Tate ran toward the diner, keys in hand.

  “Why would he take Monica?” Ben demanded.

  “Probably because she was taking the trash out.” Josh cringed. “We have to find my sister. When she wakes up she’s going to go crazy.”

  “We’ll find her.” Arden promised.

  “Bane, you and Ben are on foot. Find your mates. Shift and track them. We will follow.” Arden waited until they both shifted and grabbed their clothes.

  * * *

  Simone shook her head. Blinking, she tried to open her eyes, but her vision went blurry as her head rolled, falling beside her arm. She tried to use her hand, but it refused to move. What was going on? Bane wouldn’t have tied her up.

  That’s when she heard his voice. Her stomach rolled as the fear came back to her. Terry was here, and he had her tied up. Her memories started to click back into place, to leaving her mate and going to check on Monica.

  Oh God, “Monica.”

  “Look who’s awake. I’ve been waiting on you, Simone. Waiting and waiting for that right moment when we could be together.” Her eyes popped open as the man she feared more than anyone else stood in front of her.

  “Terry, what are you doing?” She took in her surroundings and almost broke down. They were in a small clearing with woods surrounding them for miles.

  “Oh God no, Monica.”

  Her friend was still out, but she was tied up the same as her. Her feet weren’t even touching the ground as the rope cut into her wrist. “Terry, you should have left her and just took me. You’ve gone too far.” Simone could feel the rage building up inside her. Bane would be looking for them. She knew that, she could feel him flowing through her veins. He was looking. She had to keep Monica safe. The girl had been through too much.

  “Billy here wanted her, and since he helped me with you, yeah, he can have her. You see, I’ve been searching for you for a long time. I warned you to never talk to the police, but no, you had to go and say that I tried to rape you and beat you. Tsk, tsk, tsk. Now you’ll pay for that. First, I’m going to do what I didn’t get a chance to do at the apartment. All you had to do was strip and then it would have been real fun, but no! You had to go and ruin a good thing.”

  Terry jerked her shoes off, then her pants and underwear.

  Simone cringed when the others cheered Terry on. “Hell yeah, take it all off!” Billy the dirt bag yelled out. She could feel her wolf surge to the surface, knowing Simone was in trouble. Billy was over six feet tall and nearly three hundred pounds. He was a killer, and loved getting into fights. But the only thought Simone had was to inflict as much pain on Terry and the others as possible.

  Simone could feel Bane getting closer, and she needed to end this. She had a life now. Someone that loved her and would protect her. Never again would Terry hurt anyone else.

  “You messed up this time.” Simone smiled when Terry cut her shirt off of her.

  “Yeah, how’s that?” Terry got right up in Simone’s face, grabbing her roughly by her hair, and yanking her towards him.

  “I’m not the same person I was before. In fact, I’m not human at all.” Simone grinned. Apparently, Terry didn’t like that answer. He slammed his fist into her stomach for it.

  “You look like the same girl to me!” Terry screamed at her.

  Simone gasped and closed her eyes, then opened them again. Her wolf was waiting on the surface, eyes going from green to gold. She said the last words she would ever say to him, “Rot in Hell Terry,” before Simone felt her body shift, and her wolf was set free.

  The sounds of bones popping and changing drew all of her captures’ attentions. Dropping from the rope, Simone’s wolf fell to the ground, ready to pounce. Rage from all of the beatings she had suffered at his hand flowed through Simone, giving her power that she never felt before. Now they had kidnapped Monica, her friend, and planned to abuse her too, then kill them both. This was only fuel to the fire for Simone’s wolf. She lunged and caught Billy first, knocking him to the ground. Instincts took over as her wolf wrapped her jaws around Billy’s throat and yanked until it was pulled free from his neck. He let out one final scream as blood gurgled from his body.

  Monica was awake and watching. She shifted and was now on the ground, growling at Mossy, who was standing in front of her.

  “What the fuck?” Terry took off running toward the van. Simone knew if he got away, Terry would make sure everyone knew about shifters, and that was her family he was messing with.

  Not today.

  Her wolf took off, jumping through the air, and knocking Terry face first into the van. Simone wanted him to see her face and know it was her that had over powered him. She shifted and grabbed hold of Terry, slamming him against the van, grinning at the sound of his nose breaking. Before she could do anything more, the van started up and took off.

  She had to get to the van before he could leave. But nothing surprised Simone more than the sight of a large brown bear running out of the woods, slamming against the van and turning it over. The sound of the bear’s roar echoed through the forest as Monica raced over, jumping up onto the van. She shifted and jerked the door open. Screams rang out before they were silenced. The sound of flesh being torn from RJ’s body was the only sound left.

  Her eyes sought out her mate as his wolf crouched next to her. His hackles were raised and ready, but this was her job to take care of. But before Simone could rip his throat out with her bare hand, Arden interrupted her with a single command.


  Her body and mind had no choice but to obey her Alpha. She couldn’t believe the power that raced through her body, something that she struggled with, but felt safe accepting it—obedience. Bane shifted back and nuzzled the side of her face, while Terry looked on.

  Simone still had a hold of him, grip tightening when he cried out, “What are you?”

  Turning from him, she glared over at Terry. “Your worst nightmare.” She smirked, baring her teeth in a wolfish, predatory grin, and for the first time, she saw fear in Terry’s face.

  Arden walked over to her. “Let us deal with him.” It wasn’t a request. She could feel her Alpha’s respect for her, but he didn’t want it to be her that killed him. Simone could accept that.

  Releasing him, Tate and Finn picked up the moaning dirt bag, carrying him away. “He will never hurt you or anyone ever again.” Arden answered before she could ask.

  Her eyes flooded with tears
of relief as every emotion she had ever felt around Terry quickly left her body. “It’s over.”

  Wrapping his arms around her, Simone finally let it all out, relieved the she and her friend were safe. Then it hit her, jerking away from Bane. “Monica?” Fear ripped through her as she searched the area for her friend.

  Hearing her name, Monica jumped out of the van, rubbing her body against her mate before she ran up to Simone.

  “Are you okay?”

  The brown wolf rubbed her bloody muzzle against her hand.

  “I’m so sorry Monica. I’m sorry this happened to you. I never wanted to see you hurt again.”

  The brown wolf shifted in an instant, surprising Simone.

  “Are you okay?” she asked again.

  “Yes,” her friend whispered. Monica stood up and turned as Ben walked closer, her clothes in his hand. She didn’t say anything further, but accepted the clothes with a smile and walked over to the van, quickly getting dressed.

  Bane was immediately by her side, pulling Simone close to him. Taking a calming breath, Simone looked into her mate’s eyes. “I can’t believe I’m standing here in the nude with half of the pack staring at me.”

  Without fail, the happy moment turned to ‘Oh my God they are staring at my mate’s naked body.’ He rushed over to retrieve what was left of her clothes. “Here, put this on.” Running over to Arden’s SUV, he jerked the door open, pulling his t-shirt out, and tugged it over her body. A huge sigh left him as he looked her over, making sure she was covered.

  “Better.” Bane answered with relief. “Let’s go home.”

  “Where’s home?” Simone asked.

  “Where ever you are.” Bane answered with a smile.

  “I want my own home.” Simone’s answer rushed out.

  Smiling at her, Bane suggested, “I think we can make that happen. Do you think you can stay with me at the pack house until we can build it? I’ll make sure it happens quickly.”